نامه نویسندگان، دانشگاهیان و هنرمندان ایرانی در محکومیت حمله به سلمان رشدی

ما امضاء کنندگان زیر، نویسندگان و شاعران و هنرمندان و دانشگاهیان و پژوهش گران و روزنامه نگاران و وکلای ایرانی نهایت تاسف خود را نسبت به حمله وحشیانه بر علیه نویسنده برجسته سلمان رشدی ابراز می داریم. در میان بسیاری از فتواهایی که از سوی رهبران مذهبی متعصب و تاریک اندیش در کشورهای اکثر-مسلمان بر علیه سلمان رشدی صادر شد، فتوای سی و سه سال پیشِ آیت اله خمینی بیش از همه تعیین کننده و نفوذش پایدار بوده است و حکومت جمهوری اسلامی ایران این فتوایِ متحجرانه و قرون وسطایی را هم جهت با بی اعتناییِ کامل به حقِ آزادی بیان و آزادی عقیده در داخل و خارج از ایران، زنده نگه داشته است.
ما قاطعانه این اقدامِ وحشیانه علیه آقای رشدی را محکوم می کنیم و آرزومندِ بهبود سریع و کامل او هستیم.
Iranian academics and writers condemn the attack against Salman Rushdie
We the undersigned, Iranian authors, poets, academics, journalists, lawyers, and artists express our shock and deep sorrow at the brutal attack against the acclaimed author Salman Rushdie. Among the many edicts issued against him by different fanatic religious leaders in Muslim-majority countries, Ayatollah Khomeini’ fatwa of thirty three years ago was the most damning and had the longest lasting influence. The Islamic regime in Iran kept this obscurantist medieval fatwa alive in complete disregard for freedom of expression and freedom of conscience both inside and outside Iran.
We strongly condemn this cruel act against Mr. Rushdie and wish him a full and speedy recovery.
Signatories in alphabetical order
امضاء کنندگان به ترتیب حروف الفبا
-Ervand Abrahamian, Professor emeritus, City University of New York, USA
-Janet Afary, Mellichamp Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
-Frieda Afary, writer, translator, librarian, USA
-Mona Afary, psychologist, USA
-Hamid Ahmadi, oral historian of contemporary Iran, Germany
-Reza Allamehzadeh, cineaste and writer, the Netherlands
-Taghi Amjadi, psychologist, USA
-Touraj Atabaki, Prof. International Institute of Social History, the Netherlands
-Behrooz Bayat, physicist, former lecturer at the university of Marburg, Germany & external expert with the IAEA. Germany
-Roshanak Bigonah, poet, USA
-Mehrzad Boroujerdi, Vice Provost and Dean, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
-Mehrdad Darvishpour, Senior Lecturer and Assoc. Professor, Malardalens University, Sweden
-Fataneh Farahani, Professor, Stockholm University, Sweden
-Mansour Farhang, Professor emeritus, Bennington College, USA
-Behrouz Heshemat, sculptor, Austria
-Ramin Jahanbegloo, Professor, Vice Dean, Jindal Global University, India
-Mehrangiz Kar, lawyer, writer, USA
-Kazem Kardavani, Sociologist, writer, Germany
-Sorour Kasmai, writer, France
-Nasim Khaksar, writer, the Netherlands
-Yassamine Mather, Editor Journal Critique, University of Oxford, UK
-Mahnaz Matin, writer, physician, France
-Kamran Matin, Senior Lecturer, Sussex University, UK
-Abbas Milani, Professor, Stanford University, USA
-Mansoor Moadel, Professor, The University of Maryland-College Park, USA
-Behrooz Moazami, Patrick G. O’Keefe Distinguished Professor, Loyola Univ., New Orleans, USA
-Haideh Moghissi, Professor emerita, Trudeau Fellow, York University
-Nasser Mohajer, independent historian of Iran, France
-Shahrzad Mojab, Professor, University of Toronto, Canada
-Gazal Mojdehi, Human Rights Lawyer, Canada
-Fereshteh Molavi, author, Canada
-Reza Moridi, Senior Fellow, Massey College, Univ. of Toronto, and former Parliamentarian and Minister, Canada
-Majid Naficy, poet, USA
-Mohammad Reza Nikfar, independent scholar, The Netherlands
-Farhad Nomani, Professor, American University of Paris, France
-Misagh Parsa, Professor emeritus, Dartmouth College, USA
-Kourosh Parsa, social media manager, USA
-Koushyar Parsi, writer, the Netherlands
-Saeed Rahnema, rtd. Professor, Founding Director School of Public policy, York Univ. Canada
-Mahmoud Rowghani, writer, Canada
-Akbar Sarduzami, writer, Denmark
-Bahram Soltani, Professor, University of Paris, Sorbonne, France
-Mohammad Tajdolati, journalist, Canada
-Mehrdad Vahabi, Professor, University of Sorbonne Paris Nord, France
-Farrokh Zandi, Professor, York University, Canada
-Nasser Zeraati, writer Sweden
متن بامه به انگلیسی:
Iranian academics and writers condemn the attack against Salman Rushdie
We the undersigned, Iranian authors, poets, academics, journalists, lawyers, and artists express our shock and deep sorrow at the brutal attack against the acclaimed author Salman Rushdie. Among the many edicts issued against him by different fanatic religious leaders in Muslim-majority countries, Ayatollah Khomeini’ fatwa of thirty three years ago was the most damning and had the longest lasting influence. The Islamic regime in Iran kept this obscurantist medieval fatwa alive in complete disregard for freedom of expression and freedom of conscience both inside and outside Iran.
We strongly condemn this cruel act against Mr. Rushdie and wish him a full and speedy recovery.
Signatories in alphabetical order